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boys winter clinics
balearic park, costa mesa
March 12th, 19nd, 26th: 5:30-7pm
March 13th, 20th, 27th: 5:30-7pm
Cost - $100
3rd-8th graders
come on Wednesdays, Thursdays, or both
welcoming all beginner and intermediate level players
develop the skills needed to start the spring season in april!
intro to lacrosse
no gear required! we will supply the stick and use tennis balls to learn and develop basic skills needed to get to the next level.
catching, passing, ground balls, rules, mini games
intermediate level players with at least 1 year experience
focus: fundamentals, teamwork, and fast paced play with short sticks only.
gear required:
boys: helmets, gloves, stick, elbows, cleats
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